%Fill in this code. Don't look up lecture notes, or any other notes or books. function zdot = myrhs(t,z,p); r= z(1:2); v = z(3:4); % unpack state variables %Unpack parameters m = p.m; ... % fill in as needed rdot = v; % first two of 4 ODES %Various forces, pick and choose Fg = % Near-earth gravity FG = % Inverse-square gravity FDL = % Linear drag FDQ = % Quadratic drag Fspring = % Spring from origing Fdash = % linear dashpot from origin (challenge!) % Use one or more of the forces above or any other forces Ftot = ; % LMB a.k.a. F = ma vdot = Ftot/m; % second two of 4 ODEs zdot = [rdot;vdot]; end % end of rhs function %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%