"Time management is not just about doing things, but doing the right things at the right time." - Brian Tracy
If you are new to college or just about to start, get ready for some big changes in your life, new-found freedom, a friends circle, n number of projects and mountains of deadlines. Time management suddenly becomes your best friend as you try to juggle classes, study sessions, hanging out with friends, and maybe even doing a part-time job.
A recent study, published in the American Journal of Health Education, led by Knowlden, revealed that effective time management significantly impacts the sleep quality of college students. Knowlden also recommends proactive time management and prioritising 8 - 9 hours of sleep for better well-being & academic success.
But do not worry about time management, by following some smart time management strategies, you can complete your to-do list on scheduled time and still get some time to enjoy Netflix (guilt-free, of course).
These are the 11 tips that you can follow to improve productivity:
1. Planning is Power
- Calendar: You have to make a new friend “Calendar app” or invest in a trustworthy planner. You can mark down deadlines, exams, appointments, and even social events. Seeing your week visually marked will help you understand your commitments and identify potential time clashes.
- To-Do Dominoes: You can create daily or weekly to-do lists, but be practical when you are creating the list. Split down large tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. Here is an example for better understanding: Completing "Read Chapter 5" feels more achievable than "Finish History Paper."
2. Schedule Shuffle
You have to analyse your most productive times and schedule challenging tasks accordingly. If you are an Early Bird, then tackle that chemistry problem set before breakfast. If you are a night owl, Save essay writing for the post-dinner hours.
3. Prioritise Like a Pro:
- ABCs of Importance: You have to understand that not all tasks are created equal. Use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorise tasks based on urgency and importance. Define your urgent and important tasks, (exam prep) put them on top billing, while less critical tasks (washing laundry) can wait.
- Learn to Say No Sometimes: You need to understand that learning to say “No” gracefully is crucial. Do not overload your plate with commitments that will leave you burnt out. You can explain your situation and suggest an alternative time or activity. People will understand your situtation.
4. Productivity Hacks:
- Pomodoro Power: You can give a try to the Pomodoro Technique. This is about working in focused 25-minute bursts with short breaks in between. This helps to maintain concentration and prevents burnout & tiredness.
- Phone Trap: Let’s be honest here, Phones are productivity black holes. You can silence the notifications or put your phone in another room during study hours. You will be amazed by how much you can accomplish in an uninterrupted hour.
- Study Sanctuary: You can select a specific study space that is free from distractions like roommates or TV. This will help you to focus on the work only and avoid the temptation to get sidetracked.
5. Remember The Rule "3R":
- Recharge and Refuel: We can safely say that sleep is your superpower. You should aim for 7 - 8 hours of sleep each night to stay energised and focused. Always remember that your healthy meals and snacks keep your brain fueled.
- Relax and Reconnect: You have to schedule time for activities you enjoy, whether it is hanging out with friends, exploring the city, or simply binge-watching your favourite show. Taking breaks is an essential part for preventing burnout and boosting creativity.
- Reward Yourself: You can celebrate your achievements to boost your morale. Completing a tough assignment or acing an exam deserves a pat on the back. Rewards motivate you to stay on track and make the journey more enjoyable.
Books to Master Your Time Management Skills
Here is the list of 5 popular books that are around actionable insights and effective strategies to help you take control of your time:
- Deep Work: It will help you to focus on cognitively demanding tasks (deep work) in distraction-free environments to achieve maximum productivity and unlock your full potential.
- Getting Things Done: After reading this book, you can capture all your to-dos and organise them into actionable steps to achieve a state of "mind like water" and focus on target.
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: You will be able to understand and develop a proactive mindset that focuses on personal and professional success.
- Eat That Frog: After reading this book, you will be able to tackle your most challenging and important tasks first thing in the morning (eat the frog!) to gain momentum and boost productivity throughout the day.
- Make Time by: This book is about designing your ideal week around your priorities and values, rather than letting your calendar rule your life.
Five Time Management Blogs for the Overwhelmed Achiever
Spotify Picks: Podcasts to Supercharge Your Time Management
Podcast Name & Author
It's All About Time by Anna Dearmon Kornick
Click Here
Manage Your Time by Kendra Joyer Adachi
Click Here
Take Back Time by Penny Zenker
Click Here
Systemize Your Time by Chelsi Jo
Click Here
If you learn Time management then you will use it throughout your life, and college is the perfect time to hone it. You can follow these tips and can turn that mountain of deadlines into a molehill. These time management skills will make you more productive, even you can take out some time for yourself. Keep learning readers.